The platysma is the largest mimic muscle by area. As long as it is toned, the chin angle is clearly visible. However, it is on the delicate skin of the neck that age manifestations become noticeable first. It becomes flabby, there are overhanging folds, “second chin”, “rings of Venus”. Platysmoplasty allows you to model clearer contours of the neck, visually lengthen it, returning youthfulness and elegance.
I choose the optimal tactics for correcting the contours of the neck and chin during the initial consultation after examining the patient.
- lateral — the platysma is sutured horizontally so that the muscles are pulled up and slightly to the sides. Usually this surgery is performed together with SMAS-lifting (facelift). In this case, small inconspicuous scars are hidden in the natural folds of skin behind the auricles;
- if lateral platysmoplasty is not enough, medial platysmoplasty is performed, when the subcutaneous muscles are tightened to the central zone of the neck, forming a clearer angle between the neck and chin. If necessary, excess subcutaneous fat is removed. I perform the surgery through a tiny incision under the chin, after tissue healing, it is almost invisible. By tightening the edges of the muscle and fixing them, the aesthetic proportions of the neck are restored.
- The surgery lasts about two hours and is performed under general or local anesthesia (depending on the extent and method of surgery).
- I apply a marking and make an incision in the skin under the chin. After removing subcutaneous fat, if necessary, I sew the edges of the platysma with a thin corset suture in the center, make a neck lift, fix soft tissues.
- The surgery is completed with an intradermal suture.
In some cases, to achieve the most harmonious aesthetic result, I recommend a combination of platysmoplasty with liposuction and SMAS-lifting. Patients with minor degenerative changes of the muscle with soft tissue prolapse may be recommended less invasive procedures to solve the problem, such as LPG massage, hardware or thread lifting (reinforcement).
The surgery will need to be postponed if there are serious injuries in the neck area (unhealed wounds, cuts, burns, etc.) or if there are other contraindications from the list.
Plastic surgery is not performed in case of unsatisfactory test results. Surgery is not scheduled on the days of menstruation. If you have a tendency to form keloid scars, neck elevator is not performed.
Absolute contraindications to the procedure are:
- general diseases in the decompensation stage;
- endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus, problems with the thyroid gland, adrenal glands);
- all types of malignant tumors;
- glaucoma;
- blood clotting disorders;
- active tuberculosis;
- acute infections and respiratory diseases;
- inflammatory processes on the skin in the area of intervention;
- tendency to keloid scar formation;
- pregnancy and lactation period;
- kidney disease, liver disease;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- autoimmune diseases;
- mental disorders;
- serious surgeries and previous neck trauma.
Prohibited any type of plastic surgery in the neck area with acute infections, elevated body temperature, skin rashes in the area of intervention. The procedure is postponed for several weeks, it can be done only after full recovery.
Preparation consists of “standard” procedures: consultation, examinations and tests.
- follow all my recommendations during the preparation phase, this is the most important thing;
- the key to the success of the surgery is the stable state of your health and optimistic attitude;
- do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions about the processes and stages of the surgery, which you do not understand or cause fear, it will add confidence in the successful result;
- postpone surgery even if you have minor symptoms of acute respiratory infections until you are fully recovered;
- smoking and alcohol consumption can impair your health and affect the rehabilitation process;
- if you are prone to bleeding or if you bruise frequently, tell me at your first consultation;
- one week before surgery, eliminate the intake of all dietary supplements, vitamins;
- inform me in advance if you are taking any medications, including oral contraceptives.
The most important stage of preparation for any surgery — preliminary diagnostics. Only after taking the mandatory tests and undergoing examinations that will determine the presence or absence of contraindications to the surgery, you and I will be able to discuss the date of the surgery.
Diagnostic examinations:
- ECG with a cardiologist’s report;
- fluorography or chest X-ray.
Laboratory tests:
- general blood test (not older than 10 days);
- urinalysis (not older than 10 days);
- Coagulogram (not older than 10 days: ACTH, INR, prothrombin, fibrinogen, thrombin time);
- blood group, Rh factor;
- RW (Wasserman reaction), HIV, Hepatitis B and C (HBS, HCV), (not older than 3 months);
- Biochemical blood test (AlAT, AsAT, total protein, glucose, total bilirubin, creatinine, urea, electrolytes (K, Na, Cl), (not older than 10 days).
If minor abnormalities are detected, for example, in biochemistry, the surgery is still performed, but after prior medication preparation for rhinoplasty to normalize the indicators. If there are unforeseen, temporary or other health problems, the surgery should be postponed for your safety. Please do not forget to mention any “minor” health problems you may have.
Your health and safety are the most important things to me, that is why I only perform surgery when I am 100% sure there are no contraindications and I know your full medical history.
10 days before the scheduled date of surgery, I recommend completely exclude alcohol and 3 days — smoking cigarettes, which worsen healing and can provoke complications, as well as negatively affect the final result of the surgery.
Cosmetic procedures that aggressively affect the skin (chemical or deep peeling) are not recommended 14 days before the surgery, and 7 days before — visiting a solarium. If possible, eliminate inflammation or irritation on the face.
Also for 14 days you should temporarily suspend the use of anticoagulants (aspirin, heparin, vitamin C, cardiomagnil, thrombo-ACS, painkillers and antipyretics) and hormonal drugs, including contraception. If it is impossible to refuse any medication, be sure to inform me about it at the first consultation, so that I can give recommendations on how best to proceed in such a case: to exclude the drug, replace it or leave it as it is.
The surgery is performed on an empty stomach, so on the eve of the surgery after 8 pm nothing can be eaten! After 12 at night do not drink, even just water! From coffee and energy drinks I advise you to give up at least a couple of days before the surgery.
Menstrual cycle does not affect the surgery, I recommend my patients to plan the date of surgery on the 6th-8th day from the beginning of the cycle. If menstruation occurs earlier than expected, be sure to inform me and the anesthesiologist.
- When going to the clinic for surgery, do not forget your passport and all tests in printed form (make copies in advance if you need a second copy).
- Do not use perfume, cosmetics and any means with a pronounced fragrance. Leave jewelry, valuables and money at home. You will definitely not need them at the surgery 😉
- Remove everything from the nail of the forefinger on your left hand, including the false nail. This is necessary for attaching the pulse oximeter (a device to monitor blood oxygen saturation).
- Choose comfortable clothing that you will not have to take off and put on “over your head”. Clothing with zippers or buttons is best.
- If you have varicose veins, you will need compression stockings.
Take care in advance how you will get home from the clinic, because you will not be able to drive after the surgery.
For a faster recovery after platysmoplasty, I often recommend hyaluronic acid injections to help the skin become firmer and more moisturized, and there are a number of other recommendations as well.
- During the rehabilitation period, you will need a calm environment, support and understanding of your loved ones. The formation of a neat postoperative scar largely depends on you and on compliance with all my recommendations.
- The first day after plastic surgery should remain in the hospital clinic under the supervision of medical staff. This is required to exclude the risks of possible complications and negative reactions of the body. If after 24 hours you feel well and have no complaints, you can return home to normal life, but with postoperative restrictions.
- At home, after discharge, it is necessary to wear an elastic bandage, in the first 2-3 weeks to avoid tanning beds and baths, swimming pool, take care of yourself from drafts and do not overcool, sleep only on the back.
- Stitches are barely visible by 9-10 days, they are removed and you can evaluate the first results of the operation.
- By the second week of recovery falls visible swelling, bruising, skin sensitivity returns, pain sensations are not strongly expressed, and if necessary, removed by the usual painkillers.
- For a month it is necessary to unload the muscles of the neck, avoiding loads, exercise and sudden movements.
- For 1 year, you should protect the postoperative scar from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.
- The final results of the surgery can be assessed three months after surgery, when the stage of internal tissue healing is completed.
The result of platysmoplasty will please you for 5-10 years!
You deserve to be the best version of yourself, and my qualifications and experience guarantee a successful outcome! Just make an appointment for a free consultation, it will be the first step towards perfection.
You need good quality photos for modeling (selfies are not suitable 😢, ask someone to take a picture of you with the main camera). They should be taken in good even lighting, on a solid color background and should not be blurry. Send photos only through the form below, as any messengers will compress the photos and degrade their quality.
Send photos in all the angles shown in the example below ☝ and make sure that the hair does not cover the parts of the face we are interested in.