Read details about the surgery, preparation for it and contraindications, send a photo for modeling


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Browlifting — allows you to correct the position of the eyebrows, tighten the skin on the forehead, “open” the look and rejuvenate the face. The surgery is often performed in combination with blepharoplasty to achieve the best effect.
Types of browlifting: the choice of surgery technique depends on the individual characteristics of the client.
  • Endoscopic browlifting — performed through several small punctures 1-2 cm long in the scalp. Through one of them is introduced endoscope with a camera for video monitoring of the surgery, and through the other — the necessary surgical instruments. Under the controle of a video camera, the skin on the forehead is peeled off from the subcutaneous tissues, it is lifted and fixed in a new position with absorbable threads.
  • Temporal browlifting — allows you to raise the outer part of the eyebrow. Incisions are located in the scalp in the temporal area. Through these incisions, special tools are used to install absorbable threads, which tighten the skin and fix it in a new position. If necessary, a small flap of skin is excised.
During the intervention, the soft tissues of the frontal and temporal zone are moved, tightened and fixed in position with special ultra-thin resorbable plates that prevent them from returning to their previous position or stretching. The surgery ends with the application of a tight, dense bandage around the head.
At the initial examination, I will tell you all the nuances of browlifting, what results to expect from the procedure and the possibility of combining it with other types of plastic surgery. And if you have any contraindications from the list below, be sure to let me know about it.
Surgery will have to be abandoned in the following cases:
  • dermatitis
  • Herpes-virus infection in the exacerbation stage
  • Injuries in the area of the operation
  • presence of acute inflammatory or infectious processes, ARVI
  • acute or decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, diabetes mellitus
  • pathologies and disorders of blood coagulation
  • oncological and autoimmune diseases
  • mental disorders
  • pregnancy and lactation
The results of the tests you need to take before the surgery will determine whether you can have the surgery. We need to be 100% sure you are ready for surgery.


  • follow all my recommendations during the preparation phase, that’s the most important thing;
  • the key to the success of the surgery is your health condition and optimistic attitude;
  • do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions about the processes and stages of the surgery, which you do not understand or cause fear, it will add confidence in the successful result;
  • postpone surgery even if you have minor symptoms of acute respiratory infections until you are fully recovered;
  • smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can impair your health and affect the rehabilitation process;
  • if you are prone to bleeding or bruising, tell the surgeon and anesthesiologist;
  • one week before the surgery exclude the intake of all dietary supplements, vitamins;
  • inform in advance about taking any medications, oral contraceptives.

The most important stage of preparation for any surgery is the preliminary diagnosis. Only after passing the mandatory tests and examinations, which will determine the presence or absence of contraindications to surgery, we will be able to discuss with you the date of surgery, or its replacement by other procedures.

Diagnostic examinations:
  • ECG with a cardiologist’s report;
  • fluorography or chest X-ray;
  • in the presence of concomitant diseases — the conclusion of a specialized doctor about the absence of contraindications to surgical treatment.
  • the results of the examination require a consultation with a general practitioner.
Laboratory tests:
  • general blood test (not older than 10 days);
  • urinalysis (not older than 10 days);
  • coagulogram (ACTH, prothrombin, fibrinogen, not older than 10 days);
  • blood group, Rh factor;
  • RW (Wasserman reaction), HIV, Hepatitis B and C (HBS, HCV), (not older than 3 months);
  • biochemical blood test (AlAT, AsAT, total protein, glucose, total bilirubin, creatinine, urea, electrolytes (K, Na), (not older than 10 days).

If minor abnormalities are detected, such as in biochemistry, the surgery is still performed, but after prior medication to normalize the indicators. If there are unforeseen, temporary or other health problems, the surgery should be postponed for your safety. Please do not forget to mention any “minor” health problems you may have.

Your health and safety are the most important things to me, that is why I only perform surgery when I am 100% sure there are no contraindications and I know your full medical history.

10 days before the scheduled date of surgery, I recommend completely exclude alcohol and 3 days — smoking cigarettes, which worsen healing and can provoke complications, as well as negatively affect the final result of the surgery.

Cosmetic procedures that aggressively affect the skin (chemical or deep peeling) are not recommended 14 days before the surgery, and 7 days before — visiting a solarium. If possible, eliminate inflammation or irritation on the face.

Also for 14 days you should temporarily suspend the use of anticoagulants (aspirin, heparin, vitamin C, cardiomagnil, thrombo-ACS, painkillers and antipyretics) and hormonal drugs, including contraception. If it is impossible to refuse any medication, be sure to inform me about it at the first consultation, so that I can give recommendations on how best to proceed in such a case: to exclude the drug, replace it or leave it as it is.

The surgery is performed on an empty stomach, so on the eve of the surgery after 8 pm nothing can be eaten! After 12 at night do not drink, even just water! From coffee and energy drinks I advise you to give up at least a couple of days before the surgery.

Menstrual cycle does not affect the surgery, I recommend my patients to plan the date of surgery on the 6th-8th day from the beginning of the cycle. If menstruation occurs earlier than expected, be sure to inform me and the anesthesiologist.

  • When going to the clinic for surgery, do not forget your passport and all tests in printed form (make copies in advance if you need a second copy).
  • Do not use perfume, cosmetics and any means with a pronounced fragrance. Leave jewelry, valuables and money at home. You will definitely not need them at the surgery 😉
  • Remove everything from the nail of the forefinger on your left hand, including the false nail. This is necessary for attaching the pulse oximeter (a device to monitor blood oxygen saturation).
  • Choose comfortable clothing that you will not have to take off and put on “over your head”. Clothing with zippers or buttons is best.
  • If you have varicose veins, you will need compression stockings.
Take care in advance how you will get home from the clinic, because you will not be able to drive after the surgery.
The effect of the surgery is noticeable immediately after a brow lift. The recovery period usually lasts up to two months. During this time it is important to follow all my recommendations.

The recovery process after browlifting, passes quickly and without consequences, if you follow all recommendations, follow a gentle regime and regularly take prescribed antibiotics and medications to reduce swelling.

In the first two weeks after surgery, try not to express vivid emotions, as expression lines should be in a relaxed state.

  • During the rehabilitation period (2-4 weeks) you will need a calm environment, support and understanding of close people. The formation of a neat postoperative scar depends largely on you and on compliance with all my recommendations.
  • In the first week there is a pronounced swelling of the face, during this period you need to wear a compression bandage.
  • Ice packs can be used in case of severe swelling.
  • The stitches are usually removed on the 7th to 10th day after surgery.
  • For the first two weeks, I recommend sleeping with your head elevated.
  • During the first month, refuse intense physical exertion, visiting the bath and sauna.
  • Hair after washing should be dried with cool air.
  • Visits to the solarium or staying in the open sunlight should be postponed for 9-12 months.
You deserve to be the best version of yourself, and my qualifications and experience guarantee a successful outcome! Just make an appointment for a free consultation, it will be the first step towards perfection.


You need good quality photos for modeling (selfies are not suitable 😢, ask someone to take a picture of you with the main camera). They should be taken in good even lighting, on a solid color background and should not be blurry. Send photos only through the form below, as any messengers will compress the photos and degrade their quality.

Send photos in all the angles shown in the example below ☝ and make sure that the hair does not cover the parts of the face we are interested in.

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